A Markdown bug in Jekyll


  • Summary

    The strikethrough doesn’t work.

  • Operating Environment

    GitHub Pages

  • Reproduce

    • Create a markdown file in folder _post, such as 2018-03-09-bugs.md

    • Write following text in 2018-03-09-bugs.md

      layout: post
      title: A bug of Jekyll
      - ~~飘啊飘~~
      - ~~飘~~
      - ~~测试~~

      Review this post, you will see this

      The strikethrough doesn’t work.

      If I deleted - ~~飘~~, works well, if I deleted - ~~飘啊飘~~ and - ~~测试~~, left code like following

      layout: post
      title: A bug of Jekyll
      - ~~飘~~

      The strikethrough doesn’t work too. I tried more Chinese characters, only this one can cause this issue. It’s so strange.

Update@2018-03-09 13:29(GMT+8)

I installed Jekyll at local, and created a new site, and added more text at the bottom in the default markdown(welcome-to-jekyll.markdown) file in _posts folder

~~should be deleted~~



It’s a bug, look at following image

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